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Monday 27 May 2013

Download Movavi Video Suite 11 (special offer) with Free Full Version Serial Activation Key

 Movavi Video Suite 11 is an all-in-one package of powerful yet easy-to-use tools for any media processing needs. This complete multimedia suite comprises Movavi’s most powerful video processing applications and allows you to manage your media files any way you can want: convert video and audio between more than 170+ different formats and 200+ presets for mobile devices; Insert transitions, apply filters and effects; Split and join video, cut out unwanted segments; add titles and audio tracks; capture screen, gameplays, online video webcam, video camera, VHS, or TV output; create slideshows and your own videos; burn CDs, DVDs and Blu-ray discs; play back and convert 2D to 3D; share your media files on Facebook, YouTube and other sites; convert files for any mobile device, including tablets, Smartphones, media players, and game consoles. Thanks to predefined settings specific to each device, files will perform and display perfectly on your mobile phone or tablet.

Movavi Video Suite ensures significant performance gain – up to 400% – on multi-core processors due to Movavi’s Turbo technology offering efficient parallel task processing and advanced decoding technology. Movavi’s cutting-edge use of technologies provides high speed performance and efficient resource usage. With this ultimate collection of Movavi’s top programs, all accessible through user-friendly interface, you won’t need any other applications to manage your media files.

Movavi Video Suite 11 (Special Offer) Free Full Version Serial Activation Key
Movavi Video Suite 11 is normally priced at $ 99.95 per activation key / serial number. But as part of the promo offer, you can download Movavi Video Suite 11 SE (Special Edition) with serial activation key for free! Follow below simply steps to download your free copy:

1. Visit the Movavi Video Suite 11 giveaway page here, enter you name and email address, then click on the “Get Movavi Video Suite SE” button.



2. Instantly, you will receive an email from with the free activation key for Movavi Video Suite 11 SE. Remember…check your spam, your serial may send to this place after you sent the requests. 

3. Download Movavi Video Suite 11 SE: MovaviVideoSuiteSetup_11SE.exe [83.7 MB]. Install the trial version and active the full version through means of an activation key that you'll receive.

Wednesday 16 November 2011

La prostitution

        Originaire de la capitale de Maurice, Anaïs, nom fictif, était seulement âgée de 19 ans. Autrefois, elle travaillait comme serveuse à plein temps dans un bar très réputé de la localité à la demande de sa tante. Elle, c’était l’histoire d’une fonceuse déterminée à changer sa vie face aux nombreux besoins financiers qu’elle devait affronter  à la mort de ses parents. Toutefois, elle subissait des atrocités, des atrocités fortes intolérables, infligées par son orgueilleuse tante.  Quotidiennement, elle devait même effectuer des tâches ménagères telles que le balayage, la lessive et le repassage. Ainsi, afin d’en finir une bonne fois pour toutes avec ses corvées, elle parviendra à déserter le toit familial.

Vu l’ampleur de la situation, elle quitta son métier de serveuse afin d’éviter tout contact avec ses proches despotiques. N’ayant nul choix que de mendier, elle se retrouva donc sur les trottoirs afin de subvenir à ses besoins. Une dizaine de jours après, sa vie bascula. Au début, elle croyait vivre son rêve qui n’était autre qu’une vie meilleure et paisible. C’était que plus tard qu’elle réalisa qu’elle avait fait la connaissance d’une tenancière d’une agence d’Escort girls. Toutefois, il était bien trop tard pour faire marche arrière dans cette maison de passe. On l’obligea à se dévêtir  afin d’apprendre sa première leçon qui s’agissait de comment y faire pour avoir une bonne clientèle. Ainsi, naquît sa nouvelle vie en temps que prostituée qu’elle le veuille ou pas.

Chaque nuit représenta un cauchemar sans fin pour cette jeune femme.  Son corps était réduit à un véritable produit de consommation voir même un objet par des hommes de tout genre, tantôt inhumains tantôt mariés dont leurs désirs étaient inassouvis et elle resta la maîtresse de plusieurs hommes connus et inconnus. Le sexe opposé l’avait si brutalisé qu’elle ne voulait plus fonder une famille. Elle ne croyait plus en ces petits mots doux de ces hommes car les hommes l’avaient trop fait souffrir. Moralement dévastée, elle avait cette envie irrépressible de se suicider. Par ailleurs, elle continua à mener cette vie jusqu’au jour où elle découvrit qu’elle était enceinte d’un de ces hommes de ces rencontres nocturnes. Elle avait alors 44 ans.

Ainsi, elle entama des procédures au sein de l’agence d’Escort girls afin d’en finir avec cette vie invraisemblable. Étant donné qu’elle était une prostituée quasi vieille et loyale envers la proxénète de l’agence, la proxénète l’accorda cette chance inédite de refaire sa vie convenablement. Cependant, à cause de sa dépendance pour cet argent si facile et irrésistible,   elle avait voulu craquer à plusieurs reprises. Toutefois, forte heureusement, elle se reprisa en pensant à ce petit innocent, ce petit être vivant qui a droit à une vie honorable.  Aujourd’hui, c’est une mère comblée de bonheur qui nous raconte son récit...

Sunday 23 October 2011

Racism in Mauritius

              Mark Twain once said in 1897 "You gather the idea that Mauritius was made first, and then Heaven, and that Heaven was copied after Mauritius." Undoubtedly, this sounds beautifully nice to our ears...But, this quotation was particularly used by this great American author to illustrate the beauty of our country, the beauty which lies in our being a multiethnic country. Yet, is our country really a peaceful one? If not, then why...

              Truly speaking, this would have been a biased statement if I had said that Mauritius dwells in a peaceful surrounding. This is so because our country is full of ignorant people, full of racial prejudices... We all remember the unforgettable legendary singer, Kaya...In a time of crisis when we should have supported this particular person, what had we done? We just preferred to turn our back to his claims and all, until we lost him. But, have we asked ourselves, why? The answer lies somewhere around, the racism phenomenon engulfed us...He belonged to the Creole race and as such, many other ethnic groups preferred to maintain their treasonable silence. Surely, this would not have been the case if one of their own was in utter turmoil...

              Another traditional fact that shall testify of the presence of racism is that many of us are still against mixed marriages. We do understand that some people are not to be blamed for they have been taught by their elders to adhere to their familial customs...Still, if THEY just can’t "mingle" with other races for marriage-related subjects then how come several of us are still faced with the relative dilemma of having to change our religion to marry our beloved ones who practise another religion. Are we being fair? Not at all...

(to be continued)

 background picture taken from

Saturday 22 October 2011

More about myself speech addressed to BSc Journalism students{inspired from a newspaper article}

Ladies and gentlemen,
My fellow friends,
Good evening,
           This piece of work that I am going to present to you today is no grandiose one but I do hope that it touches you as much as it has touched mine on remembering the ups and downs of my upbringing. As I stood here in this gloomy room with my heart thumping and all, I just need a few minutes of yours to tell you more about myself and of the article that i’ve chosen...  Let me tell you first of all that I am no blue-blooded silver spooned child; I am just someone simple, from a really caring and over-protective family.  And, indeed I am really fortunate to have grown up into a little healthy and hearty woman. 
           So, taking a special interest in choosing an article that suits me the best was a must...It is an article that was published on 24 December 1992 in “Le Mauricien” in page 3 and the title was “Les fléaux meutriers de l’enfance”. The subject matter dealt with the ever-burning scourge of premature child death and how famine-related diseases such as diarrhea, pneumonia and measles were and still remain a daily ordeal for our African brothers and sisters. I did not choose this article because I was not fed and all in my childhood, in fact I just want to show you ladies and gentlemen how lucky we are to be here. To be here to testify of our existence...An existence that everyone is not gifted with or destined to...
           No other problem can move us more to tears than seeing the corpses of millions and thousands lying alongside the corners of the roads and that of the unbearable images of desolation of these frail people... I’m rather sure that several of you are already asking yourselves why this article was of interest to me... Then let me tell you that on seeing this article I remembered a childhood friend of mine who was just unable to afford to pay the tuition fees and could not even dream of wearing decent clothing and shoes...But she had a dream, a dream like several of you and even me which is that of achieving a pass with flying colours at her CPE exams... And she did. Also, this article requires your attention ladies and gentlemen because when you are having this luxury to lend an ear to my speech, there in Africa every five seconds, one child or the other dies because of famine.

          Thus, though my life has been like a rollercoaster of sorrows and joys, I pray to God for where I am now and implore Him to save those who are in need. I hope that my speech gave you food for thought. Thank you...